We often receive calls and emails from people seeking clarification about what type of report they need to satisfy Council or a Building Surveyor. We understand that the process of satisfying the bushfire safety requirements can sometimes be challenging.

Regardless of the process, Fire Risk Consultants are able to work with you to determine the most appropriate report and to then undertake the assessment. The outcome will be in the format that is required to satisfy the regulatory process.

So what is a Bushfire Management Statement?

It is a report required by the Bushfire Management Overlay. Properties that are within close proximity (usually 150 metres) to treed vegetation can find themselves within the Bushfire Management Overlay. The best way to find out is to visit and search for your property. Print out a property report and it will tell you if you are within the Bushfire Management Overlay.

What is a BAL assessment?

A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment is required when a property is within a Bushfire Prone Area. The actual assessments are very similar however the Bushfire Management Overlay requires more treatments to be implemented. A BAL assessment identifies the construction level to offset the impacts of a bushfire.

Fire Risk Consultants are experts in determining the most appropriate method of assessing your bushfire risk as well as completing the required reports to enable you to finalise your building plans.